Director: Ana Laura Calderón
México/2019/ 74 min
Lengua Yoreme/ subtítulos español
Locaciones: La Bocana, Huatabampo y El Júpare (Sonora)

MEZQUITE se estrenó en la 43 Mostra de Cine de Sao Paulo en octubre del 2019.
:Cinequest Film & VR Festival (California); 27 th San Diego Latino Film Festival. SPECIAL RECOGNITION AWARD: EXCELLENCE IN REPRESENTATION. 53rd WorldFest Houston REMI AWARD GOLD FEATURES – Coming of Age. IV Festival Internacional de Cine de Derechos Humanos – BannabáFest, Panamá. PREMIO A LA MEJOR FICCIÓN. WoFF: World of Film International Festival Glasgow. BEST FEMALE PERSPECTIVE FEATURE COMPETITION. THE CLUB OF FESTIVAL AWARD, CATEGORY CHILDREN’S FILM, at IFF SCHLINGEL. 2020 Women’s Film Festival San Diego. AUDIENCE CHOICE AWARD BEST NARRATIVE- FEATURE.

CORAZóN DE MEZQUITE premiered at the 43rd Sao Paulo Film Festival in October 2019. Since then it has been the official selection of numerous festivals around the world, where it has won awards: Cinequest Film & VR Festival (California); 27th San Diego Latino Film Festival. SPECIAL RECOGNITION AWARD: EXCELLENCE IN REPRESENTATION. 53rd WorldFest Houston REMI AWARD GOLD FEATURES – Coming of Age. IV International Human Rights

Lucía, una niña Yoreme de Sonora, sueña con sanar el corazón triste de su padre tocando el arpa, la cual, tradicionalmente, sólo la tocan los hombres de su comunidad. Lucha por su sueño en contra de su tradición y así acercarse a su padre y encontrar su lugar dentro de su comunidad. Huérfana de madre vive con su padre Fidel y sus abuelos. Fidel es arpero y los músicos son muy importantes en su comunidad porque son considerados los guardianes de las tradiciones. El arpa representa a la mujer, por lo que una mujer no puede tocar a otra. A pesar de todo esto, el abuelo le enseña a escondidas. Con un sabor casi documental y actuada por la misma comunidad, el film ha recibido numerosos premios y ha sido parte de Festivales Internacionales.


Lucía,a Yoreme girl from Sonora, dreams of healing her father’s sad heart by playing the harp, which, traditionally, is only played by the men of her community. She fights for her dream against tradition and thus get closer to her father and find her place within her community. An orphan of a mother, she lives with her father Fidel and her grandparents. Fidel is a harper and musicians are very important in her community because they are considered the guardians of traditions. The harp represents the woman, so one woman cannot play another. Despite all this, her grandfather teaches her secretly. With an almost documentary flavor and acted by the same community, the film has received numerous awards and has been part of International Festivals.